Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The end of the world? Or just the end of an era?

The world as we know it is changing as we know it. The world today is much different than the one our parents grew up in and this change doesn't seem to be stopping. Everyone is constantly having to upgrade something just to stay on top.

This may be hard for some people to grasp, and a hard adjustment to make for others, but it is certainly not a bad thing. We found out that Americans were ready for a political change in the last presidential election. The time is now to embrace the swiftly changing media as well.

Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites of the sort are becoming increasingly more important in the world of media. Just like newspapers, radio, and television each saw their popularity boom almost overnight, social media sites are finally hitting their stride.

It's extremely easy to get news from these sites. Americans especially, but most people in general today love convenience. When I can use the same device to make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, check up on what my friends and acquaintances are doing, AND get my news...Wow. What could possibly be easier?

Many news sources (such as CNN, NPR and more) already post breaking news to their Twitter pages with links to articles. These "tweets" can be sent directly to someone's mobile device.

Facebook is turning out to be just as good a source for news. Most young adults spend approximately 80%* of their free time checking their Facebook page. News sources are taking advantage of this.

In my current town of Chapel Hill, there is a plethora of local news available to me via Facebook. The Town of Chapel Hill has a page for government updates. A local talk radio news station, 1360, even has a page.

Social networking is revolutionizing the media work like cable TV before it, network TV before that, etc.

Hop on the bandwagon if you want. But if you don't, don't be surprised when the train leaves without you. This isn't the end of the world. It's just the end of the world as we know it. One might even say this is only the beginning...

Posted by Jordan Powell

*statistics estimated

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