Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Mason Dixon state (I know it's long, but bear with me)

Well then...My name is Jordan Powell. This is my first blog, so please excuse any ineptitude. I hail from the great city of Baltimore, Md. Over the years Baltimore has held the titles for both murder and heroin capital of the world, but it's by far my favorite murder/heroin capital of the world. Maryland is perennially a "blue" state, but my particular community is rather moderate. My father is a big advocate of Jon Stewart's and records his nightly show, The Daily Show. So for a few years that was really my only source of news--and for anyone who hasn't seen it, it is a great news source. Something great about Stewart is that he's not afraid to point out flaws in both sides of politics. He'll call out Republicans and Democrats without a flinch. I also enjoy Stephen Colbert's The Colbert Report. In my government class last year I was encouraged to watch a channel with an opposite bias, so, although we could debate media bias for hours, I began watching FoxNews. Now, to put on my most boring and cliche face, I feel that watching these programs really enlightened me and I encourage everyone not just to view what they're accustomed to, but to broaden their views and step out of their comfort zone in order to view the "opposing" side. This can be duelly helpful in that it could strengthen your own views by adding background information, or it could put into question and help you discover your True Identity! Okay, no more cliched advice from me.

WBAL is our local news station and the Baltimore Sun our newspaper. Both are pretty weak sources, in my opinion, but the Sun especially has deteriorated of late. We also have the Catonsville Times in which people can find out when the latest councilman received another DUI or how much money our mayor is stealing. The Sun is quickly diminishng its circulation and looks to be OB in another couple years (if it makes it that long). The Times is still relatively strong as a biweekly paper, but is not really a source for political and government news as much as who won the Catonsville High/Mt St Joe basketball game.

Just like almost everywhere else, people in Catonsville are beginning to look more and more to the Internet and cable television for their news. Something that I find great about Stewart and Colbert's shows is that I can get reliable information while enjoying what I'm watching. I can't honestly say that I enjoy watching FoxNews or MSNBC.

So if you're still reading, or if you just skipped to the end, the main points are that my home town's sources of political news comes from television (WBAL, FoxNews, etc), print(The Baltimore Sun and the Catonsville Times) and the good old Interweb.

But we all know that our favorite source of information is the gossip.

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